The Dingle Dangle Dilemma

Downtown Brockville Businessman, Bob Marleau has run into some opposition for a perfectly great plan to restore some empty space above a few King Street shops into newly renovated rooming houses. The problem stems from a few neighbours who’ve written letter to the city. They fear for nothing but drunks and people who dangle their feet from open windows.

You have to share the downtown. It’s for everybody.

Bob Marleau

The Invincible Vince Brockvlog met with Mr. Marleau who explained his simple yet elegant plan to restore some run down office space into affordable living quarters for low income tennants.

Raging Rock Brockvlog performs a classic streeter today asking people if they would ever dangle their feet out of a downtown window.

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6 Replies to “The Dingle Dangle Dilemma”

  1. Way to go Bob Marleau

    If it weren’t for the folks hanging around Tim’s, Downtown Brockville would be dead. Its time for all the citizens who are afraid to go out to head downtown and enjoy one of the best small cities anywhere. Quit bitchen and above all quit watching CNN and FOX news propaganda. You have nothing to fear but fear itself.Downtown Brockville is safe!

    A good mix of people downtown is what is needed.
    Got to go now and have a coffee in beutiful downtown BROCKVLOG… er I mean BROCKVILLE.

  2. I agree with Byron not just because of the last name.I think too all people are needed in your downtown.What is wrong with these people are they Duuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope I can find housing when I am 84 yrs old for that price.Way to go Mr. Marleau.

  3. The way I see it is if Mr. Marleau has the finances and the will to do something with downtown then everyone should just leave him the hell alone.

    Sure some people think downtown brockville looks good with it’s historic buildings. But if you walk around back of those buildings they look horrible.

    It shouldn’t matter what kind of rental units he plans for downtown brockville. All that should matter is that he’s making these buildings a little nicer to look at.

    As for people that are concerned with the kind of people that rooming houses might attract. If you end up with a problem with some person then you pick up the phone and call the cops like the rest of our city does.

  4. Housing is a key to downtown revitalization,and any municipality needs to support a mix of income levels.

    Why is the City of Brockville not encouraging the efforts of Bob Marleau on his King Street renovations? City Council members need to ‘take their heads out of the sand’ and get behind innovators like Bob Marleau. The Fire Chief should be working with property owners to help find ways to address the difficult issues in renovating older buildings. The current approach discourages other renovation projects.

    David Walsh
    President, Realco Property Ltd.
    Toronto, and Brockville cottage resident

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