Knuckle Dragon Party

If Harry Potter were a Venetian Boatman, he would probably get you there in a Dragon Boat. And if in this same fantasy scenario Quidditch was banned, then the St. Lawrence Park Dragon Boat Races would be his sport. But even if you don’t understand a word of what you just glossed over, it’s going to be revealed to you in the next 6 minutes right here on BrockVlog.Com!

The Invincible Vince Brockvlog takes you back stage at this mile a minute summer thriller which encompasses all of the major muscle groups. Each team has their own theme and everybody there has their own take on the situation.

We’ve got the heart and we’re not going to give up!

Conlin McCabe

So if you’re sick of all the bull crap surrounding the Tall Ship’s Landing protests here in Brockville, sit back, open that can of beer, and enjoy the beauty and wonder of the 2007 Dragon Boat Races!

Wait a second to let the download start, then press the Play arrow to watch.
You’ll need Quicktime 7 to view it

BrockVlog Bonus

2 Replies to “Knuckle Dragon Party”

  1. Mark thank you for the bonus about the Black Donnelly’s too bad I couldn’t have come I could have taken you on that walk the vigilantes took that night of Feb 4, 1880.We had friends that lived on the Roman Line pluse I know the man who owns the Donnelly Homestead now.I use to work in Ailsa Craig just up the road from there and went on a few tours with a school priciple Glen Stott who is into Canadian History and does War of 1812 reenactments.The books from Ray Fazakas “The Donnelly Album” and “In Search of The Donnelly’s” will give you the most accurate details of the whole Donnelly thing.Check out the website they have too.Thanks again for promoting Canadian History.
    Oh I had done some searching in your area of a Donnelly Family from the Balleycanoe area.They sounded like relatives of the Donnelly’s in Lucan.I could’t find the proof to put them together.I also have a document from the Kingston Penn when James was released after doing his 7 years for murder.You can get it if you visit the Penn Museum and I think his last name is St.John and he can get it for you.

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