Smokey and the BrockVlog

Where there’s smoke, there’s Ravensburger puzzles. And when there are Ravensburger puzzles and cigarettes, then you must be at the Brockville Smoke Shop. Meet Al Peters. He and his family have been running this popular downtown smoke shop – I mean, Convenience Store – for about 50 years.

Hallmark’s really our trademark

– Al Peters

Do those ugly pictures on the packs of cigarettes have any effect? Raging Rock Brockvlog sticks it to the pedestrians and you can see for yourself.

4 Replies to “Smokey and the BrockVlog”

  1. Sorry Rock.. I didn’t mean to keep in your out-take as you introduced the streeter today.. I did however mean to keep it to use on the special BrockVlog DVD Set which will be available soon, at a smoke shop near you!!

  2. Finally made it !!! To your site ! Praise be! I’ll share this site for today – back with others soon !Are you ‘cultured?’
    And – if there were no forest – could there be a question ?
    Not if H Harper was there !

  3. Hey Rock, I think Lance was trying to promote the Brockvlog OUT-TAKE DVD, I thought you did a great job with that TAKE…Should be a great Bloopers DVD

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