The Holy Vgrail

The longest of long weekends is here! Salute, hats off, raise a glass, whatever you do – it’s the Easter Long Weekendin Brockville!!! We at BrockVlog have taken an extra effort today to help you, the viewer, to understand just exactly who we are, what our vision is, and really – OUR SECRET AGENDA.

Bob Brockvlog starts off the weekend in grand form once again with his cutting edge MonoVlog. Listen and learn children. They don’t put this shit on Jay Leno. Maybe on Jon Stewart – but he’s old news.

Watch as the hunter becomes the hunted. Don’t be surprised if you scratch your lice free head while watching today’s show. Bob, Lance and Rock are both Interviewer and Interviewee; All at once. It’s a techno sandstorm that will at once clarify and confuse. You’re going to want to spend the bandwidth and watch this very special afterschool edition a few times to really get to know and understand the blueprint of our souls. Hang tight as the Wicked Weekend Edition of BrockVlog slaps you upside the head, once again!

2 Replies to “The Holy Vgrail”

  1. Hi gang thanks Rock for the nice comments.I really do love this show,though where is all the Easter humor? It is neat to here about how it all started and sometimes time is needed to get people on board.So this is Booneyvlog signing off.Happy Easter to all.

  2. Just got back from Niagara Falls ( oh yes St. Catharines too )

    This was the best episode for me…Thanks for mentioning my name Bob………I guess Rock does not know who I am or where I WORK

    Keep up the good work

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